CAN'T BE FRIENDS I'm writing this because he asked me to, my friend, he requested I carve his self-crafted misfortune into a piece. By the time he and everyone who finds serenity in being beastly finish reading this, he'd wish he didn't persuade me to. He narrated to us, myself and two other close friends about how his strong will for the love of a woman made him do the abominable. Himself and his girlfriend had been having issues, similar to that which every distance relationship experience. Their relationship had suddenly become boring with the both of them having trust issues and other insecurities. He was eager to add a spark so he proposed a visit to see her. They agreed on a date and he made preparations. About two days to the journey Bae came up with an excuse as to why he should postpone his visitation. He wouldn't have it. He forced the trip against her will. He arrived there and she welcomed him with so much attitude. Definitely not the wom...