
Showing posts from 2016


SHOTS ON SHOTS: CROWD MENTALITY. There is something about this world that is very scary and thought provoking to me. We have accepted it entirely but have not accorded it thorough critical evaluation and well articulated thoughts demystification and scrutiny. It is the new normal. Everyone is comfortable and subscribing into it. We go 'LIVE' everywhere. In the toilet, in the bathroom, on the road, everywhere we are serving it live and direct. Building bridges instead of wall s as is the norm ab-initio. We are losing more of our private space as the days go by, our precious me-time to the crowd mentality. I know someone on this platform who have abused that Facebook Live button till I had to UNfollow him so as not to see his posts any longer without his knowledge. In the bid to open up and share more of our lifestyle both fictitious and real with the world, we have lost our privacy and sober moments. Facebook Live, Instagram Live, WhatsApp Video chat and


CAN'T BE FRIENDS I'm writing this because he asked me to, my friend, he requested I carve his self-crafted misfortune into a piece. By the time he and everyone who finds serenity in being beastly finish reading this, he'd wish he didn't persuade me to. He narrated to us, myself and two other close friends about how his strong will for the love of a woman made him do the abominable. Himself and his girlfriend had been having issues, similar to that which every distance relationship experience. Their relationship had suddenly become boring with the both of them having trust issues and other insecurities. He was eager to add a spark so he proposed a visit to see her. They agreed on a date and he made preparations. About two days to the journey Bae came up with an excuse as to why he should postpone his visitation. He wouldn't have it. He forced the trip against her will. He arrived there and she welcomed him with so much attitude. Definitely not the wom
SICK ADULTS ... MAD CITY In the news lately beats me the way despicable human beings mount kids and toddlers for sexual gratification.I cannot understand these gruesomeness.How sweet is the sex with a toddler? What is happening to these world? We are fast reducing ourselves to lower primates, Animals. These news is becoming rampant. I'm doing a little research as to why these twists subsist.What are the conditions that have fueled these madness and what are the catalyst to "mis-normal" --Your duty a s "Parent" is more than conjugal responsibility. In a dark room locating the insides of your legs and making babies is just the easiest part of the grand scheme, there is more to this huge status. This huge responsibility of being a parent figure in the life of a budding, nascent dot.  In the brief discuss today, I highlight pointers that acts as catalyst to this misdemeanor.   You must fight these small trappings to the death. -Warn your girl chil
THE NIGHTMARE CALLED WEEKEND This is why I am never in a hurry to meet with the opposite sex on social media. I needed a favor and I scheduled a brief meet with one (name withheld) °Before now I have exchanged good conversation with the specimen in focus. I have connected sapiosexually with this person, who before now was a cynosure on here. God, many people are better seen in photo's. You should see the way she was eating like. Then she played with my head. I thought it was only men that sell decep tion with panache, I saw another one yesterday. Oh Holy Moses. I was looking at the color combination of her clothes, I never knew I could control my emotions because all I wanted to do at that moment was run away. Far, far away into heaven.  Of course, she is reading this at the moment. I do not care how she takes this. I hate being deceived. I hate being disappointed. I must learn to not expect too much from humans. Humans are fickle.  I AM CHILDISH. I WILL NOT CHANGE.
CATCH YOUR BREATH. In a world where everyone is talking, there are not enough listeners. Be very afraid and skeptical of any man who says everything that comes to his mind.  No second thoughts, no-reflection, no robust sense of self examination to think about how what they say affect their esteem and personal image. Our problem in Africa as a matter of fact is that we love talking. We talk and talk and do so little thinking,Our thought channels stay closed and comatose, we are not bothered one bit, we do less about it and we comfortably carry on psychedelically with the little we heard from beer parlor "bants" and road side political analysts. I'm loving the new album of Adekunle Gold, A different voice in the Nigerian Music Industry because he houses a depth not seen in the rest. He had a song that appealed to me. "Empty barrels lo ma 'n kpariwo" (only empty people make a lot of noise) and the truth in that is overwhelming. We talk too much
SMALL MATTERS LIKE RELIGION The most potent force religion has used to cage people is the "Fear of the Unknown" - the fear of death and after-life. It is much more potent than the promise of prosperity. The idea of death is terrifying. Is there another life beyond this earthly life? Or are we going to end up as dust and evaporate into oblivion? Religion attempts to provide a cushioning effect to this terrifying reality of death. Each religion creates beautiful fantasies - different versions of paradises; of sexual orgies with virgins, of exotic wines, of everlasting life, of gold-plated streets and singing hallelujah to some god. Each of these paradises reflects the mindset of the people who created them. And along with these eternal paradises are their corresponding eternal damnation. Of course the religious leaders decide who go to where. The first step in breaking away from  the shackles of religion is overcoming this fear of after-life. It is this fear that had ma
SHOTS ON SHOTS: NIGERIAN UNIVERSITIES "80 percent of what is taught in the Universities in Nigeria is not relevant in today's world. I attended and graduated from the only University in Nigeria. The University of Nigeria, and I can tell you without doubt or mincing words that all that was taught were theories. From the day you graduate from the university, you use less and less of what is learnt in school. These theories are obsolete and in applicable, which is why people have a valid point when they go for the jugular of Nigerian graduates. The system is decadent and grossly polluted" SOLUTION: The government should be creative enough to invest in technical schools as against the theories learnt in the polytechnics and Universities. Like Like Love Haha Wow Sad Angry
"If I lose weight,I am on drugs and probably smoke "wee wee". If I dress nicely, I'm stuck up, very proud and arrogant. If I say what I think, I'm disrespectful and disgustingly opinionated. If I don't say anything, I am boring and so in trendy and not in vogue. If I cry,I'm a big sissy and not man enough. If I have female friends, I am a flirt and very suggestive. If I defend myself, I am problematic and unbearable." NB: These days we can't do anything without being criticized, They stop talking only when jollof rice is inside their mouth. Who go cook jollof rice for these people today?
SHOTS ON SHOTS -- On superstitious beliefs and all sorts of fetishistic ventures. Few years ago, In my village in Anambra state, That fateful day in the company of my grandmother,the plan was to show me landed property owned by my father within the state. At the entrance of the house which joins three roads seductively lies deliberately placed a sacrifice pot containing edibles and all sorts of concoctions, disgusting pieces of meat and some other things I cannot recall now . I was naive. I kicked it hard away from the entrance to my house even to the dismay of my grandmother. I am that way, I feel these things don't subsist, They are powerless. I have not stop thinking that way. Although I agree entirely that there exist dark powers and constant manipulation of the physical kingdom where you and I abide right now by the spiritual. Those that suck the blood and fly in the night. The occultist and those of the Rosicrucian order can relate better, They know this fort t
SILENT REVERIE Born in April 4th 1988 to this world of sin and chaos. As soon as I turn 18, I will do this and do that. The notebook I wrote some of those "I will" is intact, kept faraway where I wouldn't see it as the contrast and the irony of the situation hit me like lethal jabs to the face. I saw it yesterday as I was looking for some important documents, then I was m oved for the umpteenth time to tears. The cobwebs and shadows have grown on it. Do you know how hard it is becomi ng successfully exceptional in this part of the world? To worsen my case afterwards, I went through a comprehensive list of few Nigerian youths who have made their voice(s) heard in the world via Google, typing random names in. Oh Church, they went far away from this part of the world. Far, far away. The vibes dished out here is encompassed with negativity. I also observed and reckon that the older you get the more time conscious we become. It is worrisome. It is natural but it
ARE THERE TRULY HAPPY PEOPLE IN NIGERIA? "Happy people focus on what they have. Unhappy people focus on what is missing. There are no happy persons in Nigeria, I say this with every sense of awareness because I meet people on daily basis and I mirror faces,I am an authority in this field; I've rooms and parlor down the food chain where this struggle holds sway, real and very vivid. You must listen to me! Dammit* We thrive entirely on our avalanche of misery and complaints. Gratitude is alien to us. It is anathema . We cannot stand to be ecstatic. We must hide when we laugh;The enemy must not see the beautiful white colors of our teeth. Oh church of God. ... But how can you be happy when mediocre minds occupy the seat and corridors of power? How can you be happy when pensioners are not being paid;aged men and women denied of their gratuity and entitlements? How can you be happy when the generality of Nigerians can barely afford bags of rice and tomatoes today? Our young g
THE FACADE CALLED CHANGE IN NIGERIA. Strolled to the nearest bus stop close to my house and stopped  at my favorite corner, took a chair and drank on something soft while facing the world and looking at people's faces. Nigerian people's face. Faces of ambition. Of hope. Of dreams that never woke and finally I noticed a common trait with most of the men walking off and about. They were muttering, talking to themselves. Like mad demented, heavily senile psychopaths. No exaggeration. Every one in four men that passed talked to himself and hissed continuously. Oblivious of their environment. This government must be sugary or "pepperious" Something is not right with these people. Our President must be doing something better. Something distinct, different as suddenly social status and stratification have been merged and abridged. Everyone is roaming in the pits of this times, harsh and perilously sweetened. The pain etched in every eye, sunken chin and pal
EMPTY PROMISES Today, I discuss empty promises. I grew up in a family that was very business inclined and as such there were no role model to follow as regards education. Apart from my generation, (born in the 90's)° Those before us were artisan, business men and women and all that. Everyone was talking money and bank tellers, you speak too much English, you are easily done away with until it changed gradually and formal education began to hold sway. Education was priority only to an extent, only to show off. If you were opportune to be going to school, then your father got some "cheddah". My father especially felt going to school was expedient only because he did not go. It was a matter of let me prove a point, since I was not there, my children must be there. I respected him for that. It makes perfect sense to me many years after. It was a hell of a ride back then, I recall some dark memories and tears trickle down navigating its way through dry, coars
HURTFUL TRUTH Most often than not, The grass is greener on the other side because it is fake. abstract. Utopian and non- existent. phantom. A mirage. farce. A tiny,self assuring thought niggling at the back of the mind; Inside the head that there is a better place somewhere not entirely where we are right now.Of course this doesn't put down the place of modest aspiration and goal setting in any man's life which is not what i am talking about in this respect. You ever gotten to a level of  a supposed successful target only to look back on all the pain and suffering /dissipated strength it took to get there and there is no satisfaction. no fulfillment. bland empty feeling. It is so lonely at the top. Sometimes. which depends on what your supposed 'top' is. What is that dream we see even when our eyes aren't shut? These affluent persons wouldn't tell you the part of the story i seek to share on this medium today. You want them to tell you how they can&#
This is a man. It is 14 years jail term in my country to crush on a man. The truth behind this post is that I have couple of similar pictures of this man. Dancing, sports,making small cliches and caricature of musicians and crack heads of which he is one anyway. Google up that fact if you doubt me. The point behind this post is that there is none. I love him. i envy his wife. How do you make love to the most powerful man on earth and not tremble? Well, Something is changing inside me. I have fallen in love with this man. His dance steps. I guess he was about to do the Shoki dance move before this clip was taken. At what point is a man considered Homo? Answer me. I am searching for more of his pictures by the way especially the one taken with Michelle in the confines of his bedroom. Don't tell me i am not normal. That is stale. There is something about strong men. It would be nice to leave earth as a strong man, Don't you think so?