In a world where everyone is talking, there are not enough listeners.
Be very afraid and skeptical of any man who says everything that comes to his mind. No second thoughts, no-reflection, no robust sense of self examination to think about how what they say affect their esteem and personal image. Our problem in Africa as a matter of fact is that we love talking. We talk and talk and do so little thinking,Our thought channels stay closed and comatose, we are not bothered one bit, we do less about it and we comfortably carry on psychedelically with the little we heard from beer parlor "bants" and road side political analysts.
I'm loving the new album of Adekunle Gold, A different voice in the Nigerian Music Industry because he houses a depth not seen in the rest. He had a song that appealed to me. "Empty barrels lo ma 'n kpariwo" (only empty people make a lot of noise) and the truth in that is overwhelming. We talk too much and not do not bother about keeping things inside which is a contradistinction o the white-man response to life. Little wonder the gargantuan lacuna in the world view between the negroid and a Caucasian which makes perfect sense to me why inferiority complex must subsist.
I've seen people come out of whatever closet they are hiding in to say one nauseating thing or the other. "I am gay". I am a lesbian. I am transgender.
That piece of tiny information does not change the price of tomato in the market, why then do we share them? who are we sharing them to?of what relevance is that piece of validations or endorsements worth? . Are we sharing them to be treated better and accepted as people in vogue?
Do we not know everyone have their own demons and secret lifestyles, terrible habits? The men of God you follow on this platform have secret lifestyle that is so appalling and unbearable which they keep away from you? Does it not bother you when the allegations come to fore about these revered men of dogs, sorry God. I beg your pardon, caught pants down with their church choristers and members. Did I just hear one of you say Pastor Chris in white. Aka mu adiro kwa ya.
All dogs eat faeces, the one with faeces in mouth is easily clubbed and called shit eater. You cannot say everything on your mind, you say everything on your mind you become mindless. Porous baskets that can hold nothing in. When you say everything about you, you become banal, empty, redundant. the awe goes away into oblivion.
I cannot understand why some of us say something on the straight roads that haunts us at the bend, this affects me too, got me grovelling on my knees many a time. As i grow in understanding, it is daunting i share this secrets with the world.
Truth be said, I have nothing particularly against any person's beliefs and sexuality but it is pathetic when you rub yours in people's face. If your country abhors a particular behavior and sexual pattern,It is your duty as a well meaning citizen to configure self to fit into that law. Hide your flaws if need be. Take them to your grave.
We do not have to love all the rules and regulations guiding the geographical space we find our self but we are morally indebted to God and to humanity to buy into the fundamental ethos of a state.
I cannot understand why humans refuse to use their discretion, their gumption especially when they crave attention. I have understood a number of things about life and i can say to a great degree of accuracy that most of our problems and things we suffer stems from what we have said. 
Proverbs 4:23 The bible says Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.
Your words are a verbal expression of your thoughts. which explains why we think in pictures and not in words. I can say, a black dog the image created inside of you is the picture representation of a dog, you picture the color,you create an imagery on the inside about things I have said.
The point is this, the better we are at thinking, the better we are at speaking and communicating.
In as much as we are given the privilege by Mark to air our views and interact, what we say and how we respond is very expedient.
Cesar spoke and the people said "what a great speech"
Demosthenes spoke and the people said "Lets March"
The quality of what you are saying matters.


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