Manipulative women is the wrong type to have in your life. The type of woman that can do whatever it takes to make sure that a man goes on his knees crushed and crumbled.
Have you seen a woman who feigns to be pregnant, get a doctor's report to that effect, nurse a non existing baby and later say she lost the baby all the whole time playing with the emotional balance of the man in her life. Painstakingly goes through that process to see a man humbled psychologically and physically.

Men would always think they are smart but honestly women are smarter, I have heard of a woman who brought her boyfriend under the roof of her husband with the claims that he was her brother. For two years Oga was feeding guy man who was firing down his wife when he was away. I'm talking manipulation of the highest order here. The man could not even forgive his naivety and ignorance.
How about cases of some women being pregnant for another man and pinning it on another innocent man elsewhere. Manipulation is the skillful handling, controlling or using someone through the use of charm, persuasion, trickery and misdirection.
How would you even know if you are being manipulated right now?


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