Why is it "weird" to talk about the universe or question our existence?
Are you really so ...sure of everything around you?
Why do we have to put on a front when we talk to people?
Why do we always have fake conversations?
Why are we so afraid to connect?

I believe a lot of society's problems are caused by a fear to open up - opening our hearts, opening our minds, opening our spirits and opening our eyes (all 3 of them) We live in a society with televisions broadcasting in every house and nearly every public building in every city, telling you what to do, what to wear, and what to think.

All controlled by a few top media companies that are owned by big corporations, the same corporations that buy out all the politicians and control all of the public education!
They control everything and they tell you how to live your life. Its all a game where the ones at the top steal from the ones at that bottom while keeping them ignorant through fear and consistent misinformation.
Even the money we spend also is a tool. They use money as a tool to enslave us and we allow it, rather than uniting against them and peacefully and respectfully cooperating with each other. I realize social conditioning makes this a difficult task, which is why it is up to us to keep educating and inspiring our fellow human beings through love.

Lets lead by example and show the world peace is possible. The task may seem impossible or herculean but we are more powerful than you think.
As long as we believe we can achieve, intent and attitude really does determine your reality. Let yourself be inspired by this, start loving your brothers and sisters, even if they show you no love in return keep going, don't give up. Eventually love will overcome, but we have to learn to get over that fear that has been conditioned in us.
Don't live your life in fear, don't let the world turn you cold.
Life is beautiful. Sometimes the path may seem tough. But it is the hard times that make us appreciate the good.

Everything requires balance and right now earth is out of balance, and it is because our health is out of balance and our relationships are out of balance. Especially our relationship with our self. We need to return to our true selves and stop playing this foolish game. We all know there is more to life than our everyday experience. We feel it in our hearts, we long for it.
A better world is waiting to be created, but to create it we must become better people.
Don't let obstacles steer you off the path. Show unconditional love to ALL things because you are made up of all things.
Everything is connected.
We are ONE.


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