There is something very interesting about the man we call Jesus Christ in the Christian bible. I know him from our time in Galilee and Jerusalem. He keeps the beards long and disheveled and speaks to himself occasionally.He is everything but a gentleman.

His life is enshrouded in mystery if you take a deeper perusal into it. He plays the mind games perfectly and studied very meticulously the act of saying less than is necessary. He also knows when to stop talking. Usually he squints his eye and talks to things that have no life.
Sometimes, I think he is not so normal.

Personally, I talk too much, he once said that was why people don't hold me in reverence. "When you talk less ... people would fear you more and lay expectant on your every word" He said.He once gave me his copy of the 48 law's of power by Roberts. I never get time to read am finish. The book is like the Christian bible. Maybe he is a Machiavellian too.
I connected with Jesus Christ in 1991. We share the same bed and got drunk from the same cup, I call him my personal lord and savior because he loved to be addressed that way. He also loves sweet names like a Nigerian woman.
But something Jesus did left me demystified the other day. We were to have a brief stop at Galilee. I said let us drink at a public pub because we were both thirsty, he wouldn't agree. I calmed down begin suck my phlegm. His mother was to attend that event later in the day and I am always afraid of looking into her eyes. The last time we saw, she asked me if my woman is a virgin. She went on a long narration of how she was just sitting in one place and gbam! Holy spirit came on her and overshadowed her... Plenty talk.
I think I slept off listening to her."Bross J, let's drink small in Canaan na" I begged. He heard me but pretended not to. "My hour haff not come yet, this boy---- shebi you dey swallow spit since? 


I vex and throway my face far into the other side of the road. On arriving our destination, Bross forgot me in one corner and was healing people with terrible mouth odour. Some even had erectile dysfunction and some people were just going about wanting to touch his garment. One woman with the issue of blood especially was walking about trying to tear his designers shirt.
Me, I sit down jejely and be observing as Oga was the cynosure of eyes. But what vex me is what I want to say. As they served the drink, our eyes jamm together and his eyes seemed to tell my eyes. 'You will not drink this drink'
Everybody got served. E reach my turn, the tumbo finished. Ah! I was livid with anger, me that have been thirsty all through the journey. I went to the people serving and told them that drink didn't get to me. They said "Ah, bear with us o, we have exhausted our collection"
I felt like crying blood.
I stood there and be looking as Bross J was drinking comfortably. He didn't even care that I have none. As I approached him, he said with a loud voice... "If you believe, this day you shall see the finger of------ " I cut him short quickly,
"which finger"
Me,am not all those people you practice all those your words gimmicks on, just don't let me provoke. I said we should drink before coming here... He took a cup from his drink and ordered that they bring a big container. He bowed down and said some prayers. Tap of drink began to rush. ----I screamed, "Chei, this is the mirarcle of Galilee"
I was drunk then I slept off. Woke much later to replay the events in my head. I decided that I must carry him home and bring out all the empty containers in the house so that he can manufacture my own personally. I cannot have you as a friend and be thirsty, I said to myself.
Another thing I love about him is when people came to whine him. One of my friend working in the Pharisees department use to occasionally ask him Jamb questions.
In all the many bible scenario, Jesus asked 94-questions and answered only about 9, Usually answering a question with another question. This means something we must not ignore real quick, our level of discernment must be six star top notch.
We must keep questioning everything and must stop answering irrelevant ones. We must learn to not respond to everybody. Not everyone is worth attention and time."


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