"You can catch more flies with a drop of honey: than a gallon of gall" -Abraham Lincoln ...

        I quote this fine American president because this words would drive home the point am about to make:
Here on social media, what hurts people most, "your comments" and the way at which you portray those words to mean something  while the listener might hear other things

...such words might have been less venomous had you mind your choice of words-

    "An employer who wanted to fire one of his employees called the man before him and said-
"Mike, you have been with us for the last ten years: we do not know how we are going to do without you, but from tomorrow, we will try"

-Try adjusting what you intend to say to the next guy just a little- and then you see there hasn't been any trouble after all
What you say, leads to the "conflagrations" outside- what you say here in your living room can spark a fire that burns way beyond your home.


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September 12, 2018